UCY is a grassroots initiative with no paid staff. It does not accept donations and its expenses are covered by one of its volunteers. Its advisers are community leaders in the National Capital Region of Canada who offer a range of perspectives on the needs of young people.

Richard Fransham, Director
Founding member of Uniting for Children and Youth and of the recently formed Rights-Centric Education Network which is working to pull education into alignment with human rights. He is retired from a long career of teaching with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, the Ottawa Catholic School Board, and the University of Ottawa Faculty of Education.

Monjur Chowdhury: Founder & Principal of AlivEducation & Consulting Co-operative; Founder & Executive Director of Proactive Education for All Children’s Enrichment (PEACE)

Nira Dookeran: retired teacher, community organizer

June Girvan: J’Nikira Dinqinesh Education Centre (Every Child is Sacred
Abby Karos: Co-founder and director of the Compass self-directed education centre based on the philosophy of Liberated Learners.

Rawlson King: Ottawa City Councillor – Ward 13, Rideau-Rockcliffe.
Craig MacAulay: Retired teacher and community activist.

Stephanie Sewell: Independent Education Consultant, former Board Chair for Compass Centre for Self-Directed Learning

Meghan Stewart: Mindfulness & Well-Being Coach, Former Chair of Parents for Diversity
Michael Wilson: Retired University of Ottawa Faculty of Education professor working with the teacher education ICI cohort – Imagination, Creativity, Innovation. Founding member of the Canadian Network for Imagination and Creativity