Zone 11: Answers to Question 2

Question 2 – Zone 11 Responses


    • The Question in brief
    • Response from:
      • Travis Croken
      • No Responses

Link: See Responses to Question 2: Parts 1 – 6 for a table summary of the first 6 parts of Question 2.

The Question in Brief

There are 8 parts to this question. “Yes” or “No” answers were required for the first 6 parts, but candidates were welcome to qualify their answers. Part 7 required a prose answer, and part 8 was optional. In brief, the question asked the following. The full text of the question is found at: Question 2 – Systemic Innovation.

  1. Do you believe that public education needs to evolve from its industrial management practices to ones more appropriate for today? Y/N
  2. Do you agree that formal scheduling is a major barrier to systemic innovation? Y/N
  3. Would you act to establish an OCDSB Systemic Innovation Advisory Committee made up of student, parent, teacher, administrator, ministry, university professor, business and community representatives? Y/N
  4. If “Y” to #3, would you act to have the committee established in time for systematic field studies to begin in September 2019? Y/N
  5. Would you support developing a board wide inventory of innovative actions by teachers and principals? Y/N
  6. Would you help to create partnerships with universities that want to conduct studies of how school boards can transition from the industrial model to one that suits today’s needs? Y/N
  7. What is your vision of the ideal school?

Travis Croken

  1. Yes
  2. Yes, I will be researching the effects of formal scheduling.
  3. Yes, I will look into creating a committee for Systemic Innovation.
  4. If a committee is established, I will work to have it functioning promptly. 2019 is a good goal, barring unforeseen circumstances.
  5. Yes
  6. I would be open to discussing this topic with universities.
  7. My ideal school is one where students achieve an education equal among their peers and free of socio-economic factors. An education where they are prepared for and have an understanding of the fundamentals of post-education life. An updated curriculum will include more self-directed learning as well as the development of real-world abilities. The school will support children and re-enforce their value, abilities, and self-worth. Mental health of both the children and the teachers will be a focus as the curriculum evolves to include nutrition, emotional and physical hygiene, and interactive learning. Homework will be kept to a minimum to promote active time with peers, and the development of social interactions and community involvement. Teachers will be encouraged to develop innovative and evolving lesson plans to adapt to the changing times. The boards will work together to ensure an equal education for all students with lessons tailored towards the comprehension of material rather than meeting standardized tests.
  8. I am always open to new ideas, but cannot commit to anything without having had the opportunity to be in the role of Trustee. If elected I will take the time to further research establishing a partnership.

No Responses
– Mark Fisher
– Elaine Hayles (Resigned and asking supporters to vote for Travis Cronker.)