Session 6, 2:30: Teachers as Change Agent – Part 1
Cameron (Cam) Jones with Stephen Hurley of VoicEd
introduction by Camille Williams-Taylor

Camille Williams-Taylor
Over a thirty year career, Camille Williams-Taylor has worked in education settings from Winnipeg to Montreal, with the better part of her career spent in schools and education systems in Ontario. A graduate of the University of Manitoba and McGill University, Camille is currently serving as the Director of Education for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board which is a district of 147 schools and over 75,000 students. Her previous experiences in education include roles at the Ministry of Education, York University’s Faculty of Education and at a number of school districts including Durham, Toronto and Peel. While her experiences are varied, Camille’s commitment to student achievement through teaching excellence and equitable opportunities has been and continues to be the common thread. She believes that educators must ensure that each and every student has the tools to unleash their potential and author their own story. Camille is a wife, and a mother to three daughters.
Cameron Jones
Cam collaborates in the development of learning experiences with children from kindergarten to high school, and adults; with industry partners from music to aerospace, the skilled trades to apiarists, urban farmers to food banks, filmmakers to politicians. Cam’s leadership is thoughtful and responsive, oriented towards understanding needs in the development of creative possibilities. Cam’s thinking begins with listening to people, and reading voraciously: and then wondering about how the world should be and taking the first steps in that direction, encouraging others to join me from wherever they are. Cam is the Leader of Experiential Learning for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.
Stephen Hurley
Stephen has been working in Canada’s education space for over 35 years, serving as a classroom teacher, curriculum consultant and teacher educator. … He is the chief catalyst behind voicEd Radio—a 24/7 radio station dedicated to deepening the way we talk about education in Canada.